Sunday, 29 November 2015


What’s up?

If we consider that human development aspects can be influential in conflict provocation and mitigation openings it will be obvious to affirm that countries or societies with higher human development measures should be more stable and peaceful. However, the conundrum is faced with example country situations countries such as Libya and Tunisia with considerably high HDI, but they still fell into major revolutionary wars. The question asked in this stance now is:
  • How reliable are these HDI statistics if they are not concretely complemented by some reliable situational adjustment effects?
  • Are there other probable reasons to make believe that human development foster conflicts?  

What’s Down?

It is understood that the major focus of the HDR is for guiding governments at better policy orientations for the appropriate human relativity growth within the entire national economy setup, but if it can also serve as a dynamic tool to get into the root causes of some untraceable conflicts, then it may become a greater endeavor for human security and an advocate for real sustainable development achievements.  The Human Development Report (HDR), through its latest Multidimensional Poverty Index (MPI) mechanisms have the probability of uprooting the community level grievances on the basic understanding that the causal links to parental failures in child up-bring and home upkeep lead to youthful delinquency and increased criminality within community.
  1. If we consider that the MPI mechanisms can help adjust child up-bringing towards mitigating youthful delinquency, in the event of severe civil crises in which the economy seems moving well, what should be the political leadership practices to mitigate the conflict and maintain peace?
  2. Is it also probable to assume that a majority of civil strife causes, though often camouflaged under the umbrella themes of democracy movements, are often a manifestation of the peoples’ lack of basic household and livelihood necessities or the unequal distribution of economic opportunities over the same aims?

The phenomenon of conflicts and peace has to do with human discerning and positive understanding of the values of peace and solidarity, which without them there can be no real sustainable societal development, thus, if the HDRs were to be, to a considerable extent, tilted towards an analytical approach for uprooting the probable causes to major societal conflicts, then, they may become the most appropriate conflict prevention, management and resolution measures.

MAHSRA also indicates that it is presently undergoing a series of research works on gender equality intervention schemes and best ways for integrating pragmatic gender equality policy development and direct peace activity growth within local, national, intergovernmental, and international frameworks. And thus, is highly soliciting support from the public.
To support and/or partner with MAHSRA and still obtain a specialized copy of this document this MAIL option is very useful. 
The subject of the mail should be: Relating Human Development with Conflict and Peace
Direct copies are also available at: Amazon
Author’s Profile at:  Dr. Kelly NGYAH 
and Connect to Author's Linkedin
  • By obtaining a copy of this document through the support link or email, you are directly partnering as one of the supporters/donors of MAHSRA’s Peace Initiatives. As such, you may confirm in writing to us to let us know if your name should be included and/or published within the organization’s funders’ bulletin. This list may become periodically published on the website as soon as necessary
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What’s up?

It’s obvious that the African man has gone through an ordeal of intense suppression and oppression from the days of the colonial regimes via the colonial administration, and since then he (the African man) became a new person reborn into the western political philosophy in which he knew very little about and as such has failed in every perspective in managing the adopted foreign rule.
  • Can’t the African man choose another alternative road?
  • Should the African man continue to copy development philosophies that are failing in their traditional African context?
  • Are we certain that the African man is ready to fully integrate the inherited systems of development that hurt him in the past and is still hurting him now?  

What’s Down?

Colonial and Neocolonial dependency, I suggest, must have corrupted the African’s proper development potency and killed his confidence in self-development and also made him an enemy to his brother in order to grab as much as possible of the free goods for his today’s survival and tomorrow’s providence. What Africa fails to understand is the fact that, she is the mother of humanity and was bestowed with all the human growth and development potentials within her, yet she still chooses to stay in the temptation of foreign and artificial facilities that may only lead to its own destruction because it lacks the original know-how to manage such. The series of violent conflicts and genocidal blood bath within Africa because of the western perspectives of political power bear witness to this.
  1. We have borne and still bear the pain of history yet, we still support and attach ourselves to the root causes and influences of such pain, how can we therefore ascertain true change for progress within our environment;
  2. Political governance in Africa is not authentic because it is copied by the wrong mentalities for the wrong egoistic reasons but are the African people supposed to rely on such corrupt elites’ thinking against their own development drives?

If Africa is now facing new development institutions from emerging nations to support its sustainable development aspirations, are there further reasons to doubt the original will of these development partners?

MAHSRA also indicates that it is presently undergoing a series of research works on gender equality intervention schemes and best ways for integrating pragmatic gender equality policy development and direct peace activity growth within local, national, intergovernmental, and international frameworks. And thus, is highly soliciting support from the public.
To support and/or partner with MAHSRA and still obtain a specialized copy of this document this MAIL option is very useful. 
The subject of the mail should be: The African Worry and Hope
Direct copies are also available at: Amazon
Author’s Profile at:  Dr. Kelly NGYAH 
and Connect to Author's Linkedin
  • By obtaining a copy of this document through the support link or email, you are directly partnering as one of the supporters/donors of MAHSRA’s Peace Initiatives. As such, you may confirm in writing to us to let us know if your name should be included and/or published within the organization’s funders’ bulletin. This list may become periodically published on the website as soon as necessary
Your comments, Recommendations and Positional Conceptions are Welcomed
Enter Discussion Forums of this work at: MAHSRA FORUMS

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What’s up?
The high development rate and global support for peace operations in both regional and global spectrums demonstrated by the emerging nations are true legendary moves when we consider their historical backgrounds of violence and political instability, but astonishingly, these emerging nations are well-known for their high levels of corruption within their internal economic management processes as accessed by transparency international.
  • Is it probable to say that corruption is a considerable factor for development or is it merely the social construct of such societies that make them gain rapid progress within their corrupt atmospheres?
  • Since this corruption packed emerging nations show a strong value and spirit of peaceful development within their territorial limits and across other countries within regional dimensions, can we argue whether corruption is a factor of peace?
What’s Down?
In several occasions and in many philosophical viewpoints, corruption has been defined as a total destroyer of development and disrespect for human rights thus a high conflict making catalyst. The worry here now is, in the advent of these emergent nations’ to a world order, either through the formation of the BRICS bank or through their highly influential regional peace initiatives and bilateral economic cooperation with other less developed and more vulnerable countries:
  1. Wouldn’t these vulnerable countries’ situations become worse from the induced corruption habits they may copy from their benefactor nations?
  2. Are the poor regional countries which seek development assistance and politico-economic entrepreneurship from the corrupt emerging nations institutionally apt enough to withstand the impacts of copied flawed economic systems?
  3. Are there other probable mechanisms for collaborative development exchanges between the emerging nations and the developing countries without copying their corrupt practices?
MAHSRA also indicates that it is presently undergoing a series of research works on gender equality intervention schemes and best ways for integrating pragmatic gender equality policy development and direct peace activity growth within local, national, intergovernmental, and international frameworks. And thus, is highly soliciting support from the public.
To support and/or partner with MAHSRA and still obtain a specialized copy of this document this MAIL option is very useful. 
The subject of the mail should be: Recalculations on Peace and Emerging Nations
Direct copies are also available at: Amazon
Author’s Profile at:  Dr. Kelly NGYAH 
and Connect to Author's Linkedin
  • By obtaining a copy of this document through the support link or email, you are directly partnering as one of the supporters/donors of MAHSRA’s Peace Initiatives. As such, you may confirm in writing to us to let us know if your name should be included and/or published within the organization’s funders’ bulletin. This list may become periodically published on the website as soon as necessary
Your comments, Recommendations and Positional Conceptions are Welcomed
Enter Discussion Forums of this work at: MAHSRA FORUMS

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What’s up?
The nation of Cameroon is taking a very giant step forward through the President’s recent ‘greater ambition’ policy discuss that is already in its manifestation phase within the growth and employment strategy paper 2010/2020 and an emerging nation policy plan to be realized by 2035. Yet as realistic as the great policy seems on its road to realization, it at the same time pulls along the ambivalent dynamics that are fundamental prerequisites for such a development perspective and that have been posing intriguing worries upon the current political and cultural stability.
  • Are such heavy macro-economic advancement measures truly feasible for sustenance meanwhile there are still severally pronounced worries upon citizenry contentment?
  • If we pretend to cover what we know still worries us in the name of huge growth and investments are we certain to sustainably protect such investments when we feel fully cheated in our own well-being needs?
  • Can a civil uprising maintain and sustain the country’s vision as the present regime in a virtual peaceful spectrum proves? 

What’s Down?
The ‘emergence of a nation is strongly bestowed on its human development capacity to deliver such emergent goals but if this human development aspect is not rightly targeted, then there is a problem.
‘Where is the citizen’s place in this huge development plan?’
Great economies are built to and for the service of men, thus, these men ought to be also mentally, morally and physical apt to effectively enjoy and sustain the fruits of such economies else they become futilitarian ventures prone to destruction and regression rather construction and progression.
  1. Where are the instituted and enforcement procedures to protect the human development plan of the Cameroonian people towards acknowledging and maintaining their peaceful nature?
  2. Can the present education culture of bribery and civil alcoholism sustain our national structures and vision in the case of an uprising?
  3. What non-personal measures would you propose to our government to face the actual worries of its citizens in order to avoid futuristic violent and destructive conflicts?
  4. What do you think the proper sustainable development plan of Cameroon should entail?
MAHSRA has proposed the need for the government to institutionalize and invigorate an educational culture of peace and civics from a rudimentary level and up to the most advanced levels in a case venture wherein each Cameroonian should be able to consider his/her self as a learned peace maker.  From there on, the national citizenry shall all in one way or the other be actively involved in building and sustaining the ‘nation of the dream’  

MAHSRA also indicates that it is presently undergoing a series of research works on gender equality intervention schemes and best ways for integrating pragmatic gender equality policy development and direct peace activity growth within local, national, intergovernmental, and international frameworks. And thus, is highly soliciting support from the public.
To support and/or partner with MAHSRA and still obtain a specialized copy of this document this MAIL option is very useful. 
The subject of the mail should be: Probable Hurdles in Cameroon's 2035 Dream
Direct copies are also available at: Amazon
Author’s Profile at:  Dr. Kelly NGYAH 
and Connect to Author's Linkedin
  • By obtaining a copy of this document through the support link or email, you are directly partnering as one of the supporters/donors of MAHSRA’s Peace Initiatives. As such, you may confirm in writing to us to let us know if your name should be included and/or published within the organization’s funders’ bulletin. This list may become periodically published on the website as soon as necessary
Your comments, Recommendations and Positional Conceptions are Welcomed
Enter Discussion Forums of this work at: MAHSRA FORUMS

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Saturday, 28 November 2015


What’s up?
Rand’s utopian perspectives of objectivism direct us in the sense of a world that no wrong should or could be done to another if all is in a perfect objective state. At the same time, it promotes highly egoistic individualism values on the quest for self-satisfaction through perceptive reasoning for a free competitive political and economic world that promotes highly rated individual liberties which are only restricted within the individual’s perceptive mind and not necessarily in respect to others.
  • If the individual’s perceptive reasoning is of no real objectivist value to a third party, how then can mutuality and reciprocity be appreciated towards peaceful development initiatives?

What’s Down?
As unrealistic as Rand’s objectivism concept for peace may seem, the one important note to take home is that it serves to pull the individual under the judicial jurisdiction of his/her ethical moral conscience. Yet, this is still another problematic―owing that, the values of different persons’ consciences may not be equal because all persons were not nurtured and/or cultivated in the society following the same principles and no two persons have exactly the same thoughts.
  1. If certain values are considered a reality in one society and are not accepted as such in another, how can peace building moves be possible between such societies?
  2. The deployment of reciprocity issues within a conflict moment kills the value of tolerance and may ignite more injury than expected, what does it take therefore to appease mutually injured conflicting parties?
  3. When strict objectivism seems unachievable, uncontrolled reciprocity troublesome and direct mutuality dubious, what else do we have to ascertain peace in a post-conflict situation?

However, peaceful objectivism remains the most precious value in human development discourses, because in one way or the other, it sets in the pace for a more realist and durable peace mechanism since it has to do with the individual’s, rather than an institutional perception of durable peace. (Institutions only set the pace for the fulfillment of individual goals―thus, achieving such goals at the individual level provides for the reality dream in its self)     
MAHSRA also indicates that it is presently undergoing a series of research works on gender equality intervention schemes and best ways for integrating pragmatic gender equality policy development and direct peace activity growth within local, national, intergovernmental, and international frameworks. And thus, is highly soliciting support from the public.
To support and/or partner with MAHSRA and still obtain a specialized copy of this document this MAIL option is very useful. 
The subject of the mail should be: Mutuality and Reciprocity for Peaceful Objectivism
Direct copies are also available at: Amazon
Author’s Profile at:  Dr. Kelly NGYAH 
and Connect to Author's Linkedin
  • By obtaining a copy of this document through the support link or email, you are directly partnering as one of the supporters/donors of MAHSRA’s Peace Initiatives. As such, you may confirm in writing to us to let us know if your name should be included and/or published within the organization’s funders’ bulletin. This list may become periodically published on the website as soon as necessary
Your comments, Recommendations and Positional Conceptions are Welcomed
Enter Discussion Forums of this work at: MAHSRA FORUMS
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